„Genau mein Klima – Precisely my kind of climate“ – with this slogan, Kampmann advocates strong cooperation, innovations, sustainability and partnership-based cooperation within the company, as well as with our customers and other business partners. As a family-owned company, we embody these values.
Unethical conduct or legal violations can quickly cause sever damage to our good reputation and the relationships we have built up with great dedication and passion in the past.
We regard it as our top priority to protect and preserve the reputation of Kampmann. All employees are required to conduct themselves responsibly and to act in accordance with the applicable law. Illegal commercial practices must be avoided without exception.
We have introduced a compliance management system to meet these challenges as best as possible.
Everything codified.
Our Code of Conduct.
We want to be successful, but also to act with joy, a clear conscience, and in accordance with the legitimate interests of our customers, suppliers, managers, colleagues and society. Our Code of Conduct clearly sets out what we understand by integrity, what rules apply to us, and the principles that guide us.
Sharing values.
Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
Our business partners also contribute to the success of the Kampmann Group. We regard a mutual understanding of sustainable and ethical conduct as an essential and shared basis for business. Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners specifies the expectations of the Kampmann Group regarding the appointment and conduct of business partners in their business activities.
Bear responsibility.
Declaration of Principles for the respect and the promotion of human rights.
Respect for human rights is of central importance to us and an indispensable component of our responsible corporate governance. With our Declaration of Principles on Respecting and Promoting Human Rights, we are committed to implementing human rights due diligence in our own processes and in our cooperation with business partners.
Focus on taxes.
Tax Compliance.
The payment of taxes is a basis for a functioning community. That is why we assume full responsibility for our tax activities in all countries in which we operate.
As part of the continuous expansion of our tax compliance management system, regulations and measures are defined and monitored to ensure the complete and timely fulfilment of tax obligations. Continuous monitoring of tax risks and opportunities is an integral part of our tax compliance management system for risk avoidance. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities enable a professional and goal-oriented approach to tax-related issues.
Confidential dialogue.
The Kampmann whistleblower system, which was introduced in 2022, complies with the GDPR and meets the regulatory requirements governing the protection of whistleblowers. It is based on the German Whistleblower Protection Act and the EU Whistleblower Directive, and is another building block of our trust-based collaboration within the Kampmann Group.
The principle is simple: employees and external parties (business partners or other third parties) may submit a report anonymously or giving their name on this online portal. This is treated strictly confidentially and verified in an orderly procedure. The categories within which misconduct can be reported range from conflicts of interest, anti-competitive behaviour to corruption, environmental violations, or other misconduct.
Your Contact
Stephan Meiners
The Kampmann Group Legal Compliance Manager
+ 49 591 71085829